
Transform Your Body and Mind with The 30 Day Reset

Embarking on a personal reset journey can be both a powerful and transformative experience, especially when it’s done with intention and commitment. Are you ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle but don’t know where to start? Press the reset button with The 30 Day Reset, a program designed by Jordan Moon, an Air Force Veteran and Certified Sports Nutrition Coach. Following his extraordinary journey of running across America, Jordan crafted this program to help himself anf others achieve significant health and wellness goals.

Why The 30 Day Reset?

Many of us struggle with the motivation to prioritize our health. Whether it’s due to unhealthy lifestyle habits, time constraints, fear of failure, or simply not knowing where to start—The 30 Day Reset addresses these challenges head-on. Designed to cater to individuals from all walks of life seeking a fresh beginning, this program focuses on diet, physical health, and mental well-being through simple actionable strategies that help you take control of your health.

Why I Decided to Do a Reset

The decision to reset can stem from various reasons—feeling stuck in a rut, recognizing unhealthy habits, or simply desiring to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. For me, the choice to do a reset was driven to work on my impuse control, reduce my sugar, and up my hydration. Perhaps, like many, I found myself drifting from the healthy disciplines that made me feel energetic and focused and was ready for a challenge.

Program Highlights

  • Get Your Free Guide: Start your journey with a free guide that offers guidance and strategies to kickstart your transformation.
  • Daily Commitments: The 30 Day Reset is built around simple daily commitments:
  • No Alcohol
  • At least 8 hours of sleep per night
  • ~128 oz of water per day
  • 1 hour of exercise daily
  • A clean diet with no added sugars

Who is The 30 Day Reset For?

This program is suitable for anyone feeling stuck in unhealthy patterns, overwhelmed by daily responsibilities, or battling self-doubt and fear of failure. If you need a structured plan and supportive community to help you succeed, The 30 Day Reset Guide is free.

Jordan Moon’s Story

At the age of 36, after completing his monumental run from San Francisco to New York City, Jordan felt the grind of daily life pulling him away from his fitness goals. The need for change led to the creation of The 30 Day Reset, which not only helped him shed 14 lbs but also prepared him to successfully complete the Black Canyon 100K, a major ultramarathon.

Start Your Transformation Today

Are you ready to reclaim control over your health and transform your lifestyle? Join The 30 Day Reset and make the next 30 days about discovering the healthier, more motivated you. Remember, it’s not just about physical fitness but also about transforming your mindset and lifestyle for the better.


Before starting The 30 Day Reset or any other fitness program, consult your physician or healthcare professional to determine if it’s suitable for your needs. Do not start this program if advised against by your healthcare provider.

Join The 30 Day Reset Now!

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